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Public Records Request Form

To facilitate processing your Public Records Act request, we encourage you to use the electronic form provided below which will be submitted directly to our administrative offices.  Please note that administrative fees may be applicable.  Click here to read our fee schedule ordinance (ref. pg. 1).

 If you prefer to contact us by regular mail or have copies of documents to submit in support of your request, please click here to download a printable form and mail with appropriate fees to:

                                                                  Public Records Request

                                                     Albion-Little River Fire Protection District

                                                                              P.O. Box 634

                                                                       Albion, CA  95410

                                                             Telephone:  (707) 937-4022


  • We cannot process your request without your contact information.  Please fill out all information requested in the form, below.
  • Fees must be paid before records are released.
  • We do not perform legal research or provide legal advice on behalf of individual members of the public, businesses or entities.
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